Nutrition: Chinese Dietary Remedies*
Reestablishing Health One Meal at a Time

For example, if a person tends to be deficient, cold, and fatigued, we would recommend eating warming, nourishing foods such as ginger, garlic and lamb, while avoiding cooling foods such as cold raw vegetables or ice cold drinks. On the other hand, for people with robust constitutions and tendencies to being hot, we might recommend avoiding spicy foods and alcohol. In each case, the beauty of Chinese nutrition is that it follows Chinese medicinal principles thus allowing us to provide dietary recommendations specific to each individual’s needs. Once one understands how to integrate the appropriate foods into his or her daily life, health can be promoted and reestablished.*
At Family Acupuncture & Herbs of Reading, we believe diet is of utmost importance to being healthy, and we can provide nutritional recommendations as part of our treatment protocols for interested patients. Contact us to find out more about our services or to receive a free consultation.
*Disclaimer: Specific results are not guaranteed. Results may vary from person to person.